Alexander Technique Winter Online Workshop with Balance Arts Center, ΝΥ

by | December 2020 | News

Interested in a deeper understanding of the Alexander Technique?

Mark your calendars for the 4-8th of January 2021.

Join the 5-day intensive web program that I will be teaching as part of the faculty of Balance Arts Center in New York and, through a journey of self-discovery, learn how to incorporate Alexander Technique in your daily life. The Balance Arts Center faculty will guide you to a new and more nuanced understanding of how the Alexander technique process, as taught at the Balance Arts Center School, can help you enhance every aspect of your life and art form. 

For more info and to register, click here:

You can also reach out to us directly at The Holistic Awareness Center: or +30 211 11 75402 

A few words about the Alexander Technique:

The Alexander Technique is the retraining of the body and mind; it is more than just a series of exercises or treatments. It is a method that helps you discover a new balance in your body, releasing useless tension in your muscles and joints and it improves your coordination in every movement or posture. This psychosomatic application is adaptable to all activities and needs. It can tremendously help people working in the arts, sports and business, as it trains you to use your body alignment to the optimum degree without stress. Additionally, people with anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and those recovering from injury or with chronic illnesses and ailments can also benefit greatly from the Alexander Technique, as they learn how to regain stability and function with effortless balance.